Wow, well today was a rough one.  Finding happiness while stuck at home with a four year with chicken pox is difficult.  The whining and crying is insane, and that is just Trish and myself.  He has so much pent up energy.  I think I might get him a treadmill.  RUN LITTLE GOOBER RUN!!!

I swam 1000 meters without stopping. That is all I got for today.

The end.  Day 11.   BOOYAH?

Bedtime and Benadryl

Today I had a much different plan in my head from that actually transpired today.  I thought, you know what would be lovely? To go to the passport office and renew my passport, just in case I can talk Trish into going somewhere warm in the next month or so.  Then I thought, perhaps I shall swim to get my exercise on and be my awesome self.  None of this happened.

Mother@%^#ing chicken pox.  The McBottom offspring is covered in them.  So much for the vaccine.  Instead of looking up tropical vacation paradise, the Spawn and myself waited in a doctors office for over and hour to confirm that, yes, these red spots all over the boy are in fact chicken pox.  The poor kid is extremely uncomfortable.  Kieran and I spent the day watching Netflix and applying Calamine lotion.  And this, friends, is what we will be doing for the next 10 DAYS.  10 or so very long days.    So in short the silver lining today is that 7:30 pm came and the boy went to bed with a shot of benadryl (doctor recommended).  And so I sit here drinking my mango and broccoli smoothing and enjoying the quiet.

In your face Jenny Pepper I found something to be happy about.  BOOYAH! Day 10.

Trish sucks at being happy.

Trish sucks at being happy.  She says that finding something that makes her happy in the day only makes her think of the things that pisses her off.   Thus I shall take over, since I am a naturally jubilant human.

So day 9.   The worlds best sweater belongs to me!  Also I picked it up at a thrift shop for $4.99.

2015-01-11 14.24.50

Check it out.  I think those are thunder birds on it. HOW COOL IS THAT!!

My parents also took Kieran to a Hamilton bulldogs hockey game.  Not only did they give us a free afternoon.  Thank you so much Mom and Dad.  They also took the offspring to a hockey game, which means that Trish and I don’t have to go to a hockey game.  And for that we are both grateful.

In closing today rocked for everyone!



Day 8 of Happiness

Trip-planning. It is cold today, and it made me very happy to plan a trip to somewhere else. Oddly enough, it didn’t need to be somewhere warmer, just not here. In fact, did you know that you can get a ticket to Reykjavik in June for $650? Heather was more excited about Costa Rica, but I’m really pushing for Iceland.

Day…7? I think. I’m terrible at this.

Today, I am happy about drunken texts from high school friends…

Day 6….Yup, still happy

Today, Kieran learned new yoga poses at school. Kindergarten yoga makes me very happy. Here is mouse pose, an old favorite:

2015-01-06 15.28.54

And a new one, the plank:

2015-01-06 15.29.00

And the kite…it flies this way and that:

2015-01-06 15.29.05 2015-01-06 15.29.07

And my new favorite, elephant:

2015-01-06 15.29.14

Day 5: Geocaching!

Today, Heather sent me a text while I was a work to say she found us a new hobby – well, actually she said she found us a bobby, so I suggested she had been watching too much British tv – but really she meant geocaching. Which is the coolest thing ever. Basically, it’s a random scavenger hunt that you can do in any location using the gps on your phone. Apparently people have hidden hundreds of caches around Dundas and in the conservation area, marked on the map online, and we have to go find them. So cool. I don’t know if that explanation made any sense, but check it out: geocaching. According to the website, there are over 2.5m caches hidden around the world.

A Tribute to Tofu, Part 2

this made me smile, even with my love of tofu:

2014-08-25 13.42.45

This pic was from last summer, in Dublin. Vegetarians don’t fare well in Dublin 😦

Day 4: Today I am Grateful for Tofu

Today for dinner I made tofu. Tofu with peanut sauce. It looked something like this:

My tofu with a peanut sauce made me very happy. Not so much for the rest of the family, but me, I was happy 🙂

Day 3: 100 Days of Happy

Day 3 and what made me happy today is a children’s toy that makes your front lawn look like a Christmas chainsaw massacre.

2015-01-03 14.19.57

The pictures have multi-coloured paint, but in the first round, we were only using the red. There were blotches of red dripping all over the yard, centred around the tree, with a single trail leading to the neighbours’ yard. It was fantastic. The neighbours were going to buy caution tape to see how many rumours we could get going around Dundas. It’s a small town, so I think a little blood on the front lawn and a lot of yellow tape could have the whole town talking.

The Better Man Project

the story of a human being unfolding

The Riot Project

An angry pacifist’s blog about organizations and social change

Switching Teams

Realzing who I am and being proud to be a lesbian!


Life with a twist and other random crap

Little People - a tiny street art project

Life with a twist and other random crap

McBottom Family Blog

Life with a twist and other random crap